Sunday, July 3, 2016

Welcome Back, Kotter! Er -- Heather. Yeah, that's the one...

Ello ello~

So, yeah, I've been gone a long time as well, just as Kaniesha said.  However my absence was for a completely different reason:  I spent the majority of my time last year losing weight.  And I'm currently down 70lbs and still going!

It didn't leave a lot of time for reading mostly because I was extremely unhealthy in my exercise habits and worked out for five hours a day, making my old ankle injury worse and giving myself a very painful heel spur in my right foot.  D'oh.

I didn't have a lot of time to read but I still tried my best and ended the year with 65 books finished.  It was not a personal best and made me disappointed in myself, but also taught me that I need to just chill with my "I need to outdo myself!"-ness; there's no need to top myself every year.

As Kaniesha said, we really hope to get back to blogging because we've been buddy reading and talking about books and planning for posts, we just never really got around to make time for them.  And, again, I've been active posting more reviews on Goodreads, they're just reviews of books I've already read and were written on my personal book blog.  We're still just as passionate about reading and discussing books with the book community, we just hope this year we'll be making time for posting about them.

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