Monday, March 10, 2014

Kaniesha Went to #NovaTeen Spring 2014! (Image heavy)

I talk a loooooot. Everything under the cut!

This is going to be a pretty short post because (looking back at this sentence once I finished the post, this isn't very short at all) I didn't actually do much there. My mom and I were really, really late. We didn't end up getting there until around 1PM. (It started at 9:30AM). There was one talk session left, but we were mostly wandering around confused. I had seen three people talking to a bunch of students in a classroom, so I assumed that's what the talk sessions were and I just bought our books and we went over to the library to wait for 4pm and the signing to start. I was just going through twitter and looking at the pictures and it seems I was completely wrong >__< I should've just asked! But I'm really shy and.. well I didn't talk much to the authors when I met them either.

After we sat around the YA section of the library for an hour, I went over to the line and saw it was already HUGE. It was so awkward just standing in the doorway.

But I'm going to rewind really quick, their public library is (also) HUGE! There's a whole wall section dedicated to scifi/fantasy in the young adult section and I was quite literally in love. I had brought my notebook in case I wanted to write anything down for the talk sessions (u__u) but I ended up using it anyway to write down a bunch of book titles/authors! There were so many more books than what's available in the public library system here. (If you were at the library while a girl walked up and down the bookcases talking very loudly, it was me. I'm sorry.)

Back to the line! A few people came through with sticky notes for personalized signatures and I asked for one but then at the last moment I asked a different person for another one so I could get one of the books signed to my mom. When we finally got into the room, I immediately went to Lamar Giles' line and got Fake ID signed (which I actually bought on a whim). He was very nice! I really hope I like his book. Then I stepped into the Sarah Guillory's line and she was wonderful too! I actually small talked with her a bit. (If telling her we'd come up from Fredericksburg counts as small talk. It's more than I said to anyone else!) Next I went to Meagan Spooner's line and SHE'S A SWEETHEART, I cannot at all. She said my name was cool!! I'm really excited about that. Then last but definitely not least, I made it to Marie Lu's line! Quick observation showed her line had wrapped around the stage and in front of the exit door! So many people! I loved it. Once I got up to her, she said she liked my name and that it was pretty/cool too! <3

So you know, that was my first book festival thing. What I've learned: Don't be afraid to ask questions! (Even if some people give you semi-mean looks for asking dumb ones, it's alright to be confused!)

Pictures of the books and signatures (minus my mom's):
P.S. If you right click and open the pics in a new tab, they're a bit bigger!

These Broken Stars! I actually took this pic because I'd checked out a copy from the library to read (but I hadn't gotten to it yet). Left is mine!

Champion is BEAUTIFUL here are some extra pretty photos for your viewing pleasure.

There was also a table of free swag where the talk sessions were taking place in the high school. (Did I mention that the high school was huge too? Is everything in Arlington huge?) But! I grabbed a bunch of bookmarks.

I really, REALLY wanted to buy Steadfast because I won a copy of Spellcaster last year in March but I literally could not afford it :\ I was only supposed to buy two books honestly!

So basically, if you saw a girl in an all black outfit looking lost, that was me. I don't have a smart phone so I wasn't able to take any pics while I was there! Sorry! But I had fun! I'm really glad I went, even if it was a very minor experience. (Kicking my social anxiety in the butt)!

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