Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Kaniesha's TTT: Top Ten Books I Would Classify As All Time Favorite Books From The Past 3 Years

Top Ten Tuesday is a book blog meme created and hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. This week we're choosing the top ten books we would classify as all time favorites!

* Post was edited, I didn't realize it was from the past three years! So I'll be considering the books I've read in the past three years and not just published.

Cruel Beauty is definitely one of my all time favorites -- I love it to bits and pieces. I don't know why (Ignifex) but there's something intriguing about it (Ignifex). The Diviners was simply brilliant and you'd have to fight me if you disagree. (You actually wouldn't have to fight me).

Of Metal and Wishes! I couldn't stop talking about this one for months, omg. I still think everyone should read it. I think I'm just......... Melik. Alright, I like cute boys. All of these books have cute boys. Cute boys and kickass girls! I love these books. Pantomime is just, I can't stop thinking about this one. I need more. Same for The Rose Master, I really can't get this one out of my head! *sigh* Books.

Okay, but that was really hard! Some honorable mentions: The Holders by Julianna Scott, Angelfall by Susan Ee, Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor, basically anything you see in this list...

How about you guys? Share any ultimate favorites with me? :D


  1. I haven't read any of the books on your list... A few of them sound intriguing, so am sure I'll be adding some new book titles to my ever growing reading wishlist!! Here's a link to my TTT post for this week: http://captivatedreader.blogspot.com/2015/03/top-ten-books-you-would-classify-as-all.html

  2. Throne of Glass is hands down a favourite! It's so good :)

    I really want to read The Diviners and it's sitting on my shelf glaring at me for putting it off, but it's so big and I just don't want to devote the time to it :/

    My TTT

    1. The Diviners is HUGE but I think it's actually smaller than Heir of Fire, so if you read that you have no excuse! Plus it's not very complicated, rather linear and sort of predictable but in a totally terrible way. You won't be able to put it down! Thanks for stopping by :D

  3. Oh, I love it. A few of these were really close for mine - CRUEL BEAUTY in particular was painful to leave off. Too many great reads!

    1. How could you leave off Cruel Beauty :o I must see the rest of your list. Thanks for stopping by :D
