Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Kaniesha's TTT: Top Ten ALL TIME Favorite Authors

Top Ten Tuesday is a book blog meme created and hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. This week we're choosing the top ten authors we would classify as all time favorites!

1. Sarah J. Maas
Relatively new to the list, Sarah took two books and four novellas to become my most favorite author ever. I'm in love with her writing and her characters and her magic and Celaena..... I love Sarah so much that I've drafted making an entire blog post about her. I just don't know how to go about it.... heuh, she's so great!

2. Christopher Paolini
Paolini here was my favorite author up until Sarah did her thing. Eragon is my second favorite series (again, Sarah = Throne of Glass) and his books are what really got me back into reading in the first place. I was 13 when I read Eragon and I've been reading more or less since then.

3. Rick Riordan
The dude is magical. Demi-gods made my life so much better. I don't know what kind of person I'd be if I hadn't read his PJO and HOO books, honestly.

4. Kiersten White
I love Kiersten SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCHHHHHHHH. Every time I turn around people are giving her bad reviews and I'm just like What? Did we read the same thing? I don't understand how people hate her style. She keeps things (sort of) simple and swoony and that's perfect. Plus she's so versatile with genres and subjects. Kick-ass girls? Done. Cute boys? Done. Weird creepy myths? Done.

5. Cinda Williams Chima
Seven Realms series! One of the best series I've ever read. I've even started re-reading them this year. I've only re-read Sarah's and Christopher's books ever so this is very important.

6. D.J. MacHale
I really, really appreciate D.J. MacHale. His books are so different than books I usually read, he writes a really different perspective. His main characters are always boys and that's exactly what they feel like. I feel like I'm reading a story through a boy. It's pretty wonderful.

7. Rosamund Hodge
Now, I might be getting ahead of myself here, but I'm dedicated to this decision. Cruel Beauty put some sort of magic on my heart because I am still in love with it! Gorgeous!

8. Laini Taylor
Magic! Magicky magical magic!!!!! Laini writes so beautifully, I bet she could describe a wall and I'd love it.

9. Leigh Bardugo
Leigh isn't my favorite author in terms of characters but her world building, magic crafting, boldness?, fashion sense?... I don't know how to describe what it is that she does but it really inspires me to have my writing come to life. I feel like she's really good at what she does. I can see what she writes. Her visuals, her tumblr, her pinterest, everything she posts has this one related vision and it's fantastic and I really enjoy it. I can't wait to see if she does something different in the future!

10. Marie Lu
If you guys ever read my reviews, you'll know I wasn't a fan of the Young Elites. If you know me, then you'll know I am a HUGE fan of the Legend trilogy. Her brilliant use of characters, relationships, healthy separations, ACTION, cities...... Marie is truly a wonder.

Well, that wraps it up for top 10! Some more honorable mentions can be seen here. Share any ultimate faves with me? :D


  1. I had both Sarah J Maas and Rick Riordan on my list-love both of them! Can't say I've read any of the other authors on your list though.

  2. Oh and here's my TTT list:
