Sunday, January 12, 2014

Heather's Yearly Roundup: 2013

So, hello.  O_O

It's been a long time since I posted here and I'm so sorry.  One of my resolutions this year was to definitely begin posting regularly.  I have a few reviews on my other blog, but they're incomplete for the most part and I'd rather start 2014 fresh anyway.

But before I start 2014, I would like to talk about all of 2013's reads.  I'm borrowing Kan's formula for this post both because I really liked it and because I had no idea where to begin talking about this.

My Stats:

Goodreads Challenge: 163/160 (Original challenge: 50)
2013 was a hard year for me as well.  I lost my grandfather to Alzheimer's back in July and I haven't quite been the same since. 

Books read: 164
I started re-reading Harry Potter at the end of last year, which is why it's 164 instead of 163.  I didn't count it though because I considered the challenge over when I finished the last new book I read last year (which was the Adventure Time Encyclopedia, in case you're interested)

Pages read: 44,516, give or take a Harry Potter book

Books reviewed: 44, but I only posted ONE to the blog.  =T  That needs remedying.

Best books I read in 2013:

The Lies of Locke Lamora
Lemony Snicket's books
Let the Right One In
Bridget Jones's Diary
The 13 and a Half Lives of Captain Bluebear
The Emperor's Soul
Jonathan L. Howard's books
The Savages
The Starlight Calliope
What Ho, Automaton!
The Knife of Never Letting Go (and Ugly Crying)
The Ocean at the End of the Lane
Life After Life
The Last Dragonslayer
Gail Carriger's books
This Is Life
The Hobbit
The Diviners
The Great Gatsby
The Teleportation Accident

 Worst books I read in 2013:

Beautiful Creatures
Quiet:  The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking
The Girl in the Steel Corset

Books I'm still not sure how to feel about that I read in 2013:

Attachments by Rainbow Rowell
- I loved Fangirl, but this one left me thinking about all the problems I had with it.

Infernal Devices by K.W. Jeter
- I gave this a high rating because I did enjoy it, but I also realized that it was a bit... off in some places.

Light Boxes by Shane Jones
- This seemed to be formatted similarly to Delicacy, but I didn't enjoy it as much.  It wasn't bad though.

Middlesex by Jeffery Eugenides
- I was really bored for almost all of this book.

Blankets by Craig Thompson
- The art was beautiful and parts of the story hit close to home, but there was something uncomfortable about seeing how invested he was in Raina.

Adverbs by Daniel Handler
- I'm a huge fan of Lemony Snicket so I wanted to try a Handler book.  =/  I'm not entirely sure what happened, but I might've started in the wrong place.

Pawn of Prophecy by David Eddings
- I have a whole review written up about this one.  I should post it here sometime.

Hotel Iris:  A Novel by Yoko Ogawa
- If it weren't for the relationship (which is all I will say to avoid spoilers), I would've liked this so much more.  As it is though, it made me very uncomfortable in some places.

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