Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Heather's Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books I've Read So Far This Year

Top Ten Tuesday is the creation of The Broke and the Bookish, each week they post a list and one of their writers answers.  This week's topic is Top Ten Books I've Read So Far This Year.

01  Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell - I really can't put into words how much I loved this book.  I wanna recommend it to everyone I know and hope they love it too so we can fangirl about it together.

02  The Gates - Another fun book.  I can't wait to get to the rest of this series.

03  The Orphan's Tale:  In the Night Garden - This book was so beautifully written.  I read Deathless before, but honestly, Valente's prose always surprises me.  Definitely give this a go.

04  The Carpet People - Glad I finally got around to reading this one.  Very imaginative and I've been looking at my carpet differently ever since.  XD

05  Jane Eyre -  I don't know if I can say anything new about this classic, but I honestly believe it's worth the read.

06  The Confessions of Georgia Nicolson series - I'm really enjoying these books too much, but I can't recommend them enough either.

07  The Goon Squad series - I gave this series a go because it's Jonathan L. Howard and I've really liked everything else he's done so far.  I can't say much else about it (because the novellas are super short) but the series is worth the money.

08  Vampire Academy - I was really surprised by how much I liked this book!  I can't wait to get to the rest of the series.

09  Ready Player One - This was a lot of fun and very imaginative.  I'm looking forward to Armada.

10  The Book of Ultimate Truths - This was also a lot of fun, and, wow, Rankin's humor is something else!  Things were happening every which way and I was kept guessing and wondering how it would end.

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